It was so lovely to have Debra McGrath on the show. Deb seems to me like someone who has gotten good at living in the moment. That is something I continue to work on every day. She has a kind of infectious energy that inspires you to go for more in life. When I was listening back to interview, I actually had the thought, I am so glad I record these conversations. She provides such nuggets of wisdom with her wealth of experiences, I found myself listening to certain parts of the interview more than once to let the truth of her words ring. Kind of like listening to a great song that you can’t get enough of when you first hear it.
In this episode, we discuss what she believes people who are starting out should look for in an agent, how she keeps herself engaged in her creativity, how she looks at giving a “good audition” as the “win” and actually booking the job is “the cherry on top.” She also gave a great piece of advice regarding exercising your creativity, “Do it any way you can and every way you can.”
Debra McGrath: Learning To Celebrate The Process, Cultivating New Ideas And Putting Your Work Online
A little about Deb:
Deb McGrath has recently been seen on DeGrassi, Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town and The Ron James Show. She played Mayor Ann Popowitz for six seasons on Little Mosque on the Prairie. Deb also pursues writing and has a blog of which she is very proud called The Middle Ages. Deb and husband Colin Mochrie have developed a stage show called The Colin and Deb Made-Up Show, which they are starting to tour across the country
Follow Debra!
Twitter: @MiddleAgesBlog
Facebook: Debra McGrath
Go see Debra McGrath Perform!
Colin Mochrie and Deb McGrath
Presented by: Centrepointe Theatres
Monday, December 05, 2016 at 8:00 p.m.

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