It’s been a second! But we are back! 🎙️🙌
There have been some major changes in my life over the past few months in my life. What an adventure life can be… am I right??? #ohboy
In the last 3 months :
•My relationship/marriage of 17 years came to an end
•I have moved into my own place and am living alone for the very first time in my life!
•Decided to start my fertility journey to see if its possible to freeze my eggs at age 39
Let’s zoom in on that last one🧐
Did you know you can actually find out your fertility levels? Like how many eggs are in your Easter basket ?🧺 and if you ovulated properly and how old you are in fertility years?
Did you know it is very affordable to do so? 🫨
I know this can be a sensitive topic… but I think it’s important to talk about
I wish I had know more about fertility options when I was younger. I was NOT educated about it! Not in health class, not by doctors, no one !😩🤬
It’s often the case that artists/performers’ put off some major life stuff to pursue their passion and craft. 💯
One of those life events for many is having children.
There are so many reasons there isn’t enough space here …
On today’s episode of Cue To Cue I am opening up about my decision to attempt to freeze my eggs
I am at the initial stage of my journey, monitoring my fertility health to see if egg freezing is viable option for me. I am not even sure I want children but I know that I want options. 🤞🏻💯
As I have opened up to people about my situation and journey, It has become apparent that so many people are as unaware as I was!
This can’t be the case! Not on my watch! My whole mission us to empower artists/creatives and so here I go! Learn from my experience. If even if this helps just one person it is is worth sharing
On today’s episode l, I am going to walk you through the entire process of monitoring your fertility cycle and take the mystery associated with the process, cost, and what options are available.
Please share this far and wide as I think it can empower others and potentially save a a lot of heartbreak!
Divorce, starting again, and freezing my eggs! oh my!

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